Helping The Seriously Injured For Over 30 Years.
Legal Hotline
Q. How can I be compensated after I have been in an accident that was someone’s fault?
A. When you have an accident related legal case, all your damages and losses need to be taken into account, and compensated for. Otherwise justice is not served.
Q. What’s the process if I want to sue someone after an accident?
A. When you have are the victim of damage in an accident due to someone else’s negligence you are entitled to compensation for these damages. This can include compensation for bodily injury, medical bills, emotional suffering, loss of wages and more. Understanding the New Jersey accident litigation process can be helpful in taking the steps needed to gain full compensation for your injury.
Q. What facts about accident lawsuits seem to be often misunderstood?
A. The process of obtaining compensation in accident lawsuits or personal injury claims is not always as clear as it seems. There are several accident lawsuit misconceptions people seem to have, whether regarding the process of preparing for a lawsuit, the compensation received or the frequency with which accident cases go to trial.
Among the more common accident lawsuit misconceptions, the following are most prevalent:
Q. Is an accident case considered criminal or civil?
A. By law, injured persons may sue wrongdoers for damages. From the beginning of our legal system, New Jersey has recognized a distinction between civil wrongs and criminal wrongs. Civil wrongs are considered torts, as distinguished from criminal acts. Accident litigation in New Jersey has thus consistently focused on pursuing fair compensation for victims of civil torts.
Q. Should I discuss my case with anyone, including the at-fault insurance company, or even my own insurance company?
A. Absolutely not! This would be a mistake that can hurt your accident injury case. Insurance company representatives are professionals. You are not. You should only discuss your claim with your attorney.
Q. What’s the best way to go about selecting a lawyer for my accident case?
A. When you have been in an accident, you deserve full compensation from the negligent party. To receive that compensation, you need to contact the right injury and accident law firm. Make sure the firm has the right experience – Assess if the law firm has experience in the kind of law you are in need of. When evaluating an accident law firm, make sure that firm is indeed a specialist in accident law.
Q. I’m meeting with my attorney for the first time after my accident. What should I bring?
A. If you're filing an accident injury lawsuit in NJ, when you meet with your personal injury attorney, you will need to bring all supporting information about your accident or injury. Documents, such as accident police reports, insurance information, and photographs of the incident will help your lawyer determine if you have a case, and how to proceed.
To understand how we can help you with your accident lawsuit or settlement, call us today at (973) 623-0100 or use our email contact form.